
Three small eco-actions that positively impact our planet

Starting to adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle? Here are 3 small actions that can help you to positively impact the world around you.

June 30, 2021

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Becoming more mindful of the world around us is something that we must all learn to do for the future generations. Here at Bon and Berg we know how tough it can be to maintain and live a well rounded, eco-friendly lifestyle. We are here to offer you some advice on the small eco-actions that you can take and help you impact the planet in a positive way and protect our ecosystems.

Buy a reusable coffee cup and water bottle

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Picking up a daily coffee at your favourite cafe has become somewhat of a ritual over the last number of years. It is estimated that as a population, we drink over 2 billion cups of coffee per day. We’ll be honest, sitting at a coffee shop, chatting with friends or working is one of our favourite pastimes here at Bon and Berg so we understand why people love it so much.

However, single coffee cups create a rather large amount of waste with over 16 billion paper coffee cups being used each year according to GreenMatch. The manufacturing of these cups also requires cutting down trees, consuming billions of gallons of water and high amounts of energy. Why not purchase a reusable cup that you can bring along on each trip to grab that coffee? It might seem small but this will have such a positive impact on our planet in the long term.

Similarly, purchasing a reusable water bottle can help you to both save money and reduce plastic waste on the planet too. Single use plastics are not only harmful to our environment but often end up in our oceans, harming our wildlife and damaging our ecosystems.

Use eco-friendly cleaning products at home

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Adopting a more sustainable, eco-lifestyle does not just mean using reusable products or buying from ethical brands. It can also include sourcing and using natural, toxic free cleaning products in your home. This will help reduce the amounts of harmful chemicals entering our local waterways and streams. Cleaner waterways help to protect biodiversity as these eco-systems are the source of all our nutrients, the crops we grow, the animals we farm and the water we drink.

When you're out and about shopping for groceries, why not take a closer look at the cleaning aisle? Do a little research beforehand and source some environmentally friendly products that you can pick up. Doing this research means you are more likely to pick out an eco-friendly toilet cleaner or surface wash, rather than a product that might be packed with chemicals and harmful odours. If protecting the planet is something you feel strongly about, then using cleaning products that do not harm the environment is a really great place to start.

Buy clothes from respectable brands that do good in the world

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At Bon + Berg, we are passionate about brands that aim to work in harmony with the planet. Instead of investing in fast fashion brands that harm our planet and compromise the well-being of future generations, we prioritise brands that give back.

It is important to support brands that place people and the environment above making a profit. By doing this, they exhibit eco-friendly, ethical manufacturing methods and see the value of using environmentally friendly materials in their garments. In an ideal world, our wardrobes would not have a synthetic fibre in sight. In reality, we know developing a sustainable wardrobe takes time, so we approach it one small, conscious, step at a time.

Similarly to sourcing eco-friendly cleaning products, the same research can be applied when looking for ethical, sustainable brands that have a mission statement that promises to protect the planet similar to our team here at Bon and Berg.

Bon and Berg is a brand on a mission to make everyone an eco-warrior. If you’re just beginning your eco-friendly journey, remember that the key is to start small and try not to worry about being perfect. Making small, eco-friendly changes as an individual is one of the most positive ways to inspire change.

If you enjoyed reading this post then you might also be interested in our piece on 5 simple and affordable eco-friendly bathroom products or if you would like to stay in touch and keep up to date on what's happening here at Bon and Berg click here to join our mailing list.

Jasmine is a freelance writer and sustainable fashion enthusiast. After years of shopping in fast fashion stores and seeking out the latest trends, she discovered that it's quality not quantity that defines good fashion and style. She now curates a wardrobe she truly loves while staying true to her signature bright and bold style and channelling her love for fashion and eco-conscious ethos into her writing.

Jasmine Isabella

Jasmine is a freelance writer and sustainable fashion enthusiast. After years of shopping in fast fashion stores and seeking out the latest trends, she discovered that it's quality not quantity that defines good fashion and style. She now curates a wardrobe she truly loves while staying true to her signature bright and bold style and channelling her love for fashion and eco-conscious ethos into her writing.

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